Don’t cut off the mold and eat the rest… don’t.

Jun 03 2011 Published by under Ramblings

I guess I need to stop doing this… yuck

It’s Not OK to Eat That: Mold Goes Deeper than the Surface

Most of us have done it at least once, you see the smallest spot of mold on the crust of a loaf of bread, and you figure that if you just cut that little part off then there’ll be nothing to worry about. The problem here is that the mold we see on food is really just surface spores. Like plants, mold has roots and branches—and they travel deep.

By the time we see mold growth on food, it’s already pretty heavily embedded (it’s quite tiny, after all). The USDA has an entire page set up just for mold

via It’s Not OK to Eat That: Mold Goes Deeper than the Surface.

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