Canon S90 arrived – lets are if its as good as Pogue says it is: )

Apr 28 2010 Published by under Ramblings

Posted by richardyoo on Natuba

2 responses so far

  • Got my Dad one and he loves it. But he’s not too discriminating. My take, as someone who usually shoots with a dslr, a prime lense (which equals very good low light performance) and an on-body flash is it’s a bit better most of the time than other point and shoots, but at the end of the day it’s still a point and shoot. Also, the focus/zoom/ wheel on around the lens is pretty neat and useful.

  • Richard Yoo says:

    Rakesh – thats great to hear… personally, I would never carry a DSLR so I was looking for the smallest and best point/shoot I could find… my SD1100 has been great, but its been dropped so many times I’m sure its doomed any moment. We’ll see how it is.. 🙂