GSM Phone Interference

Oct 30 2008 Published by under Ramblings

This is a great discussion about the 850mhz GSM phone interference I’m sure everyone has heard by now…

If you own an iPhone, it’s more likely than not that you’ve run into this obnoxious sound, at one point or another. Put your iPhone next to a clock radio or too close to a phone, and you may find yourself serenaded by the iPhone staccato symphony. You don’t even have to have the radio turned on, just having it close to the speaker is good enough.

Why your clock radio is all abuzz about your iPhone

One response so far

  • Nitro Man says:

    Wow, no kidding! I made the mistake of plugging my iPhone into a bedroom speaker unit for some *ahem* appropriate music for my wife and I.

    Fifteen minutes later the ultimate moodkill rattled through the bedroom…

    My wife has barely forgiven me.