Continental gets Wifi

Jan 29 2008 Published by under Ramblings

Wow… non-stop flights globally from Houston AND wifi too! Love it! 😀

Continental (NYSE: CAL) will also be introducing onboard Wi-Fi services including e-mail and instant messaging connectivity offered by LiveTV.

Continental to outfit planes with live TV, e-mail

UPDATE: D’oh! It might suck! 🙁

Continental Takes A Crippled Approach to WiFi in the Sky

2 responses so far

  • Shawn Powers says:

    Cool indeed, but I haven’t been on a plane in 22 years, so I’m a bit out of touch. hehehe.

    But I know I wore parachute pants at the time. And it was cool. Maybe not WiFi cool, but still…

  • carlie says:

    This completely changes life as we know it. Awesome.